Digital sustainability

Innovation to net zero

Double impact - Enabling positive economic and environmental impact:

On one hand we leverage digital technologies to solve environment related problems in finance. On the other hand, we leverage finance to solve environmental problems in digital technologies.

Doubleimpact Sustainable BTC: C02 exposure neutralized

The financial industry is being impacted by key secular trends including the acceleration of digitalization and the importance of sustainability.

Integration of sustainability considerations and the impact of climate change into investment processes is more important than ever:

The authorities and the financial sector are jointly committed to a sustainable future. The EU would need, despite its progress, to decarbonize three to four times more quickly to meet its net zero emissions targets by 2050.

Carbon footprint of Bitcoin and other Digital Assets:

Since the early days of the blockchain technology, the question about electricity consumption has been debated. There is no denying that the Bitcoin network consumes a substantial amount of energy through its Proof of Work process, but this energy consumption is what makes it robust and secure.

Doubleimpact digital sustainability helps capturing opportunities created by the net zero transition

More about our Sustainable BTC (Bitcoin) solution will be announced very soon.

Doubleimpact produces scientific estimates for the energy consumption, carbon emission and environmental impact of Digital Assets.

Estimated electricity consumption, TWh (annualized)

*Based on weighted average electricity cost

Estimated carbon emissions, Mton CO2 (annualized)

*Based on weighted average electricity cost

Data snapshot as of 27. December 2022